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TesLinkTesLink® is the Next Generation of Wireless Power.

Imagine charging your laptop, tablet, smartphone, keyboard, desk lamp, and other resources – without the need for a cord or a plug. It’s now possible to integrate wireless power into environments and settings where people continue to struggle to effortlessly access power to charge their devices.

TesLink® delivers on the promise of a unique and simple user experience; eliminating the frustrating need for cords and cables.

TesLink® from Gill Electronics senses, communicates, and responds to user’s devices. With unprecedented freedom right at your fingertips, TesLink® takes performance to new levels by delivering what users are demanding in wireless power. TesLink® is based on the A4WP-Rezence™ specification and standard for wireless resonant power and charging. Unlike induction technology, Rezence™ is a star topology network, meaning that multiple devices can charge simultaneously from the same transmitter at the same time. This allows for more devices to charge economically, versus the one-to-one platform needed in first generation wireless induction technology.


TesLink_drop-and-goDrop & Go Charging – Simple and convenient, just place on the charging surface (even on top ofitems)…it’s that easy.

TesLink_multiple-devices2Multi-Device Flexibility – allowing users to charge multiple devices in the same charging area at the same time.

TesLink_multiple-devicesScalable Smart Power – charging devices with different power requirements and different powerstates on the same area and at the same time – automatically.

TesLink_no-cords Freedom of Placement – older induction technology requires specific placement of the device on a specific location on the surface in order to charge. TesLink® can be placed anywhere within the charging field.

TesLink_safetySafety – TesLink® does not heat nearby metal objects and can charge in their presence. Meets CE, FCC, and ICNIRP certification for safety.

TesLink_ease-of-install Ease of Installation – No drilling out holes within tables to install. TesLink® offers up to 40mm of signal penetration through table and other surfaces.

TesLink wireless chargingGlobal Interoperability – Utilizes the A4WP Rezence™ Wireless Power & Charging Standard.

