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Interested in the latest workplace insights and industry trends?

Our blog and monthly newsletter subscription What’s Working Now are focused on sharing valuable knowledge that empowers our audience to make informed decisions and embrace the future of work. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all blueprint for navigating hybrid realities, our goal is to share resources that support you in your journey.

person working at lounge setting

10 Design tips to refresh your mind from Coalesse.

Our friends at Coalesse have assembled a few tips to help you “think better”. As we all know, today our

person working on computer

Conquering email overload at work

It’s the end of a three day holiday weekend and as you sit down at your desk you experience that

employees in a work cafe

Boost employee engagement by connecting people + purpose.

What does having “purpose” solve in the workplace? According to Nicolas de Benoist, “When people are engaged in something greater

Red Thread's CEO Jeff Keener

5 Questions for Red Thread’s CEO, Jeff Keener.

In October of last year, we were pleased to welcome Jeff Keener as he took over the helm of Red

employees collaborating at work

Case study for an employee wellbeing strategy.

Humantech, an ergonomics consulting firm nurtures an employee wellbeing strategy by embracing a “palette of place”. Steelcase 360 Magazine editors

steelcase furniture historical images

A brief tour of the Steelcase historical archives.

Want to take a walk through furniture history? Recently I spent an hour (or two) perusing the interactive historical timeline

millennials in the workplace

How to re-ignite a startup culture.

In the new Steelcase 360 Magazine entitled “Think Better” there’s an article called, “Igniting a Sense of Start-up Culture”. We

graphic of a robot

Robots in the workspace?

In May I had the privilege of visiting the MIT Media Lab with Hasier Larrea. Hasier is a freshly minted

Steelcase research

Neuroscience: The new competitive advantage

In workplaces throughout the world, scenarios of near-constant distraction have become the norm. Thankfully, our ability to focus is still