When exploring demountable wall solutions, the options can be overwhelming. There are so many factors that play into which wall will work best for your business, from how they look to how they are constructed to how much privacy they create.
Read through these five questions designed to help you evaluate wall systems and choose the right option for your needs:
1. How often do you plan on reconfiguring?
If you plan on reconfiguring once a year, a unitized system is going to suit you best, as these are the easiest to detach and move. If you plan on reconfiguring once every few years, you can look at both unitized and modular systems. With either type of wall, you eliminate the mess, dust, and disruption of drywall demolition and construction.
- Once a year: Privacy Wall Solid Panels, V.I.A. Single Glazed, V.I.A. Double Glazed
- Once every few years: Privacy Wall with Lite Scale Glazing, Glass Selections, V.I.A. with Lite Scale Glazing
2. How important is acoustical and visual privacy?
If you work in a highly confidential environment, you should aim for higher STC ratings that can be created with double glazed glass or solid panels. If visibility to shared content is also a concern, you may want to add film to the glass, or decorative cloaking film that hides only screen content. For spaces where you want privacy but are not as concerned about confidentiality, you can look at systems with lower STC ratings, including single glazed systems.
- Privacy level: “Good” (25-35 STC): Privacy Wall with Lite Scale Glazing, Glass Selections
- Privacy level: “Better” (35-45 STC): Privacy Wall Solid Panels, V.I.A. with Lite Scale Glazing, V.I.A. Single Glazed
- Privacy level: “Best” (45+ STC): V.I.A. Double Glazed
3. What kind of aesthetic are you looking to achieve?
Do you want a very open and transparent aesthetic with walls that appear seamless? Or a more substantial, built-in look? Glass fronts only? A combination of solid panels and glass to provide some privacy? There are a range of options to suit any aesthetic.
When it comes to the surface of the solid walls, you can choose among steel, fabric, wood, markerboard, and more exotic materials. You can incorporate integrated blinds, or automatic privacy glass that changes from transparent to opaque with the push of a button. There are so many options available with demountable walls. If you identify your must-have’s and your nice-to-have’s, it will be easier to find the right solution.
- Low (1-3”) profile: Lite Scale, V.I.A., Low Profile Privacy Wall
- Standard (4-5”) profile: Privacy Wall
- Butt-glazing for seamless joins: Glass Selections, Lite Scale
4. What kind of technology would you like to integrate?
Think about the kind of technology you want to integrate within your enclosed environments. Do you want mostly flat screens for displaying content? Conferencing technology to connect local and remote teams? LED lighting to optimize the appearance of participants in video calls? Wall systems have different capabilities in terms of integrating technology, so it’s important to know what your expectations and needs are in this critical area. Another important consideration is whether you need wall cavity access to be able to service the technology.
- Surface-mounted technology with no wall cavity access (displays, interactive whiteboards): Privacy Wall, Glass Selections
- Embedded technology with wall cavity access (displays, interactive whiteboards, LED lighting): V.I.A.
5. What is your budget?
The sleeker and more sophisticated the solution, the more it generally costs, so it’s about finding a system to meet your specific needs at your desired price point. Keep in mind that although demountable walls cost more up front, they provide a greater return on investment. We can conduct a detailed ROI analysis and show you exactly how much you will save over a number of years.
For budget numbers, check out our Demountable Walls & Pods Guide!