What is your productivity work style?

graphic of 4 different productivity work styles

And does your workplace provide spaces that enhance and support how YOU work? There has been a lot of discussion in the past few years about introverts and extroverts within the office setting and of course there has always been a conversation about right brained (visual and spacial thinkers who process information holistically) VS left brained thinkers (those who process […]

Space planning ideas for wellbeing at work.

office space planning graphic

Today wellbeing encompasses much more than just physical wellness and includes the cognitive and the emotional aspects of being “well”. Employees that are static, overloaded with information, and feeling constantly stressed are not innovative individuals – and that directly impacts the bottom line. With so much time spent “at work” and the huge impact that technology has […]

What is the ‘WELL Building Standard®’?

well building logo and graphic

Why WELL? We spend 90% of our time indoors – that’s a fact. The built environment that surrounds us has a critical impact on our health, wellbeing and productivity. It shapes our habits and can to drive us toward healthy and unhealthy choices influencing our health through the quality of our surroundings. Today, employees are demanding better choices […]

10 Design tips to refresh your mind from Coalesse.

person working at lounge setting

Our friends at Coalesse have assembled a few tips to help you “think better”. As we all know, today our cognitive overload is at an all time high. Noise, constant emails, phone calls, meetings and disruptions leave us feeling depleted. The workspace can sometimes be the culprit. But it can also be designed strategically to provide […]

Conquering email overload at work

person working on computer

It’s the end of a three day holiday weekend and as you sit down at your desk you experience that familiar overwhelming feeling. You are not dreading the day or week ahead – you are dreading your inbox! If you receive at least 30 to 50 emails every day, reading and responding to all of this mail takes […]

Evidence Based Design for healthcare

modern healthcare design

What is Evidence Based Design? Defined as the process of basing design/build decisions on credible research in an effort to achieve optimal outcomes, evidence based design for healthcare facilities is becoming increasingly popular. The goal is simple: To improve patient and staff well-being, patient healing, stress reduction, and safety. Even as far back as the late 1800’s Florence Nightingale […]

How biophilic design impacts wellbeing at work.

graphic of biophilic design

According to our friends at Wikipedia biophilia literally means “love of life or living systems.” So biophilic design centers around establishing naturally based habitats for humans to live and work. Designers and Architects who practice biophilic design create spaces in which humans can achieve maximum wellbeing and productivity by incorporating elements derived from nature. First used by Erich Fromm, the noted German social psychologist, […]

Taking the lead: the Healthier Hospitals Initiative

modern healthcare space

Most of us using today’s healthcare system would be interested to know the initiatives that are taking place across the country to encourage healthcare organizations to shift to a more sustainable business model and address environmental impacts. Healthier Hospitals Initiatives (HHI) is a national campaign organized to lead change in the healthcare sector with a call […]

Top 5 things we love in a workplace: an unofficial survey.

graphic that says i heart my workplace

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we thought we’d take an unofficial, unscientific survey of our colleagues to find out the top 5 things they LOVE in a workplace. Desired workplace benefits are an increasingly important conversation to have with employees. How we work is changing dramatically and as people’s needs change so do the […]