Casper Cloaking Technology: the digital privacy solution for the modern workplace

Cloaking technology—seems like something straight out of a Science Fiction film. But what if Science Fiction could be Science Fact? Designtex, a Steelcase company, has done just that. They’ve created Casper Cloaking Technology, which is an innovative privacy film for glass walls that obscures or “cloaks” digital screens to outside views but maintains transparency. In […]
5 Private space ideas with movable walls

Enclosed private spaces are a necessity for any workplace, and movable walls offer the perfect framework to support focused work and rejuvenation. THE CHALLENGE The rise of the open floorplan created challenges for many employees. Did you know that we are interrupted every 3 minutes at work, and it can take up to 23 minutes […]
6 Collaborative Space Ideas with Demountable Walls

Enclosed collaborative spaces are a must-have for any workplace, and demountable walls are the perfect framework to support creative teamwork. The rise of the open plan created some issues for employees who crave privacy for collaborating and focusing as a group. While open plan areas can support quick interactions and short meetings, teams are more […]
10 Things to consider when choosing a movable wall system

Movable, or demountable wall systems have a number of advantages over traditional construction, including the flexibility to reconfigure your space, superior acoustic privacy, and technology integration. So how do you choose the right system for you? Read through our 10 considerations: 1. Reconfigurability | How often do you plan to reconfigure your space? If you […]
Solving 3 common acoustical privacy issues in the workplace

Survey says… Lack of sound privacy is one of the biggest complaints in open plan offices, in fact 50-60% of employees cite it as the predominant frustration in the workplace. Not only that, the same researchers found that “the loss of productivity due to noise distraction” doubled in the open plan office as compared to private offices. […]
Workplace privacy – more than 4 walls & a door!

What do you think of when you think of workplace privacy? I’m guessing it’s either your headphones or 4 walls and a door? And on some level you’d be right as that’s how we’ve traditionally handled privacy in the workplace. But with the continued prevalence of the open plan office, new ways to mitigate privacy […]
V.I.A. demountable walls – under the hood

Recently, Red Thread completed construction of three V.I.A. rooms in our Boston space. During the construction we used the opportunity to train some of our local installers and give our sales team a chance to look “under the hood” and see what makes V.I.A. demountable walls superior to other walls on the market. The following is what the team learned: Sense of permanence: […]
V.I.A. hits Beantown!

Announcing the arrival of Steelcase V.I.A. wall at Red Thread Boston! What, you may ask, is V.I.A.? V.I.A. [Vertical. Intelligent. Architecture.] is Steelcase’s new wall system which has debuted at Neocon for the last few years and has been in the pre-sell mode for the past 12 months. At Red Thread, we believe that vertical real estate plays an increasingly […]